Sunday, April 10, 2011

vedic astrology~heritage of India

Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian science which explains planetary motions and positions with respect to time and their effect on humans and other entities on earth. Vedic astrology can be traced thousands of years back. Early Vedic astrology was only based on the movement of planets with respect to stars, but later on it started including zodiac signs as well. According to Vedic astrology there are 27 constellations made up of 12 zodiac signs, 9 planets and 12 houses with each house and planet representing some aspect of human life. Depending on when a person is born, the 12 signs are distributed among the 12 houses and 9 planets are placed in various houses. This visual representation of the snapshot of the signs and planets is called a horoscope chart. Vedic astrology is nothing but interpreting the meaning of these arrangements as it applies to humans and other entities.
Following this ancient tradition of calculating the path of stars and predicting the future,past,presence  of people,we believe the fate is all about knowing it and some protection against some bad times.
Astrology would really help the fellow youth of my country and round the globe,thus this blog is dedicated to them ,those who wants to change their fate ,knowing it fortunately through us. so  people post ur troubles along with ur  date of birth,time,and exact location of your birth..and get a new way to lead ur life,happily with great prosperity!                                     thank you~ R.N Sidhyanto